Machine Tools


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So That Happened: Robots Declare War on COVID, Talking About Dad's New Girlfriend in Manufacturing Terms

Feb. 8, 2023
IndustryWeek editors look into those stories, more challenges under the USMCA, electric/industrial suppliers launching consulting wings and using capital spending as a recruitment...
Thinkstock, Getty Images
Technology and IIoT

AI Could Add $15 Trillion to Global Economy by 2030

June 29, 2017
Amid warnings of the economic disruption that robots and automation could unleash, researchers are finding that new technologies will help fuel global growth as productivity and...
U.S. Cutting Tool Institute (USCTI) and AMT – The Association For Manufacturing Technology
cutting tool chart
American Machinist

Cutting Tool Consumption Rose Again in February

April 14, 2017
Through two months of activity for 2017, U.S. cutting tool consumption has risen to $348.02 million, up 4.5% versus the comparable figure for 2016.
Emerging Technologies

These Industries are the Future of Additive Manufacturing

Nov. 17, 2016
Aerospace and medical industries lead additive manufacturing adoption. Here's why--along with how other industries can catch up.
Manufacturing Day

Fast Forward to the Factory of the Future

Oct. 25, 2016
How to overcome the barriers on the road to implementing the latest digital manufacturing technologies. This post is part of IndustryWeek’s special crowd-sourced coverage of Manufacturi...



IW eBook: Robots, Humans and the Future of Work

March 2, 2021
This IndustryWeek collection tackles the full automation story of robots in the manufacturing workplace.
Gene Sherman founded Vocademy to address the quotvast divide between the companies that need skilled people and opportunities for people to obtain those skillsquot
Education / Training

Vocademy - An Industry-Driven Solution to the Skills Gap?

Aug. 9, 2016
Gene Sherman has translated his knowledge of machining skills into a start-up business, Vocademy, aimed at solving the skills gap in manufacturing.
Even as manufacturers are still preparing for the fully connected reality of the Industrial Internet of Things they should prepare to make the next step to Smart manufacturing mdash the full digitization of sensors actuators devices and components within a manufacturing system
Machine Tools

Machining in the Digitized, Virtualized Future

July 25, 2016
Even as machine shops prepare for the fully connected reality of IoT, they should be prepared to make the next step to Smart manufacturing, the concept of full digitization of...
Education / Training

If the World Really Is Flat, We Need a New Outlook on the Horizon

April 14, 2016
The workforce of tomorrow must be trained, not for the jobs in the market today, but for the jobs that will emerge as critical to the operation of the digital factory in the future...
Association for Manufacturing Technology
Technology and IIoT

Manufacturing Tech Orders Bump Up for November

Jan. 11, 2016
Order values increased 2.2% for the month, are still down 17.2% from the same point a year earlier, and are poised for a 2016 increase thanks to a recent Congressional budget ...