What began as part of the IndustryWeek Manufacturing Day special coverage -- our Faces of Manufacturing sketches -- is now expanding beyond the month of October. We're asking people like you -- people who love their manufacturing job -- to share your passion, and not just during the month of October but anytime.
We are crowdsourcing information for stories/galleries such as these -- Faces of Manufacturing: Career Provides a 'Great Sense of Accomplishment' and Faces of Manufacturing: Meet the Manufacturing Translator.
We're looking for people with a passion for manufacturing, from the shop floor to the executive office.
If you'd like to be included, please:
- copy and paste the information requested below, along with your answers, into the body of an email
- attach a photograph of yourself at work (landscape / horizontal photographs work best -- and those taken with your phone are OK!)
- forward the email to jjusko@industryweek.com.
Please send the information and answers to the questions, below:
City/State of Residence:
Job Title:
Years with Company
Industry of Your Company:
Training / Education:
What made you decide to pursue a career in manufacturing?
What does your job entail?
What is the most interesting part of your job? Your proudest moment?
What do you love about manufacturing?
What advice would you give to kids considering a job in manufacturing?