By any performance measure, Philips Professional Luminaires in Sparta, Tenn., excels in the manufacture of lighting fixtures. This manufacturing facility performs the feat daily, relentlessly and in the face of changing market dynamics, volume fluctuations and continuing pressures to be more efficient and cost-effective. And the facility continues to improve.
In 2009 IndustryWeek honored this manufacturing plant, along with nine others, with IW's annual Best Plants award for its dedication to and achievement of operational excellence.
Today we are in search of the 2010 IW Best Plants awards winners. Applications are available to participate in this annual competition to find and recognize North American manufacturing facilities that demonstrate excellence in their performances and processes. Stories of these winners are shared in the pages of IndustryWeek, online at and during our annual IW Best Plants conference.
The deadline to compete in the 2010 IW Best Plants awards competition is fast approaching; don't miss the opportunity to share your story of excellence and continuous improvement. Visit
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