Careers in manufacturing can be lucrative and rewarding, but survey responses and recent interviews by IndustryWeek editors also point to another reason to enter the field. People like to see the results of their efforts, and when you leave a plant after a long day of work, you can look at the flow of outgoing material and know that you've done your job.
In this podcast audio from our Oct. 23 livestream conversation, several manufacturing engineers talk about how they ended up in their line of work and why they think young people should consider careers in factories. Senior Editor Laura Putre detailed some results from a recent IW survey in our bi-weekly So That Happened column on Nov. 1.
On this podcast, you'll hear Putre as well as Larry Gates, a process engineering manager for Fortune Brands' Fiberon division, and Salvador Martinez in Costa Rica where he's been a process engineer for 40 years, most recently as a freelance consultant.