Cartoon Captions Slideshow - A Blast from the Past
Aug. 28, 2014
For many years IndustryWeek has been providing its readers with the humorous cartoons of Jerry King in our Cartoon Caption Contest, a feature on our website, with winners announced in our magazine.
For many years IndustryWeek has been providing its readers with the humorous cartoons of Jerry King in our Cartoon Caption Contest, a feature on our website, with winners announced in our magazine.
Here's some information about the cartoonist Jerry King that you may not know:
Aside from greeting cards and magazines, Jerry is the author and illustrator of seven nationally published cartoon books. He has also illustrated ten children's books, and has provided illustrations for numerous children's publications. One of Jerry's cartoon characters has been made into a stuffed animal.
After serving three years in the army as a medic, Jerry, 42, went on to graduate from The Ohio State University with a BA in English. He now resides in NE. Ohio with his wife Anne and daughters Giana and Sienna, and 2 dogs, Baci and Bella. When he's not at the drawing board, Jerry is probably on a golf course losing.
We hope you enjoy our visit into the archives of IndustryWeek Cartoon Caption Contest.