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Designing the Perfect Manufacturing Plant: Tools to Unlock Efficiency and Agility

Discover how the Virtual Twin Experience can help accelerate your innovation and plant design efforts by digitally testing new products, facilities and production methods, helping to ensure your products and operations are safe and secure.

This webinar was originally broadcast on September 10, 2024. 

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With all of the challenges facing manufacturers – customers demanding more personalization, supply chain issues, budgets – the last thing you can afford are inefficient factory operations. Getting equipment placed perfectly and processes flowing are essential, and modern tools can support those goals.

Many modern manufacturers focus on: 

  • Quality
  • Materials
  • Maintenance
  • Time
  • Cost

A Model-Based System Engineering (MBSE) strategy, combined with a modular approach, allows manufacturing engineers and plant designers to more effectively define the facility (including processes and equipment), validate expected performance and capitalize on learning to accelerate the next project.

Join as we explore how the Dassault Systèmes Virtual Twin Experience can add benefit across all phases in the manufacturing organizations and process, from planning facilities, process and manufacturing through to actual production. This starts in the virtual world, then once production is live, data is fed back to create a system of continuous improvement across all elements of manufacturing operations.

Attendees will learn: 

  • How facility and process challenges can be overcome by the Virtual Twin Experience
  • How to connect the product to the process manufacturing to facility infrastructure
  • How to consider and manage a facility as a system of system with a smart definition of system architecture minimizing the risks
  • How to put in context all data in relation to the production line, the factory, the site or even the region with interconnection with the whole facility ecosystem

We look forward to sharing how the Virtual Twin Experience can help you accelerate your innovation and plant design efforts by digitally testing new products, facilities and production methods, helping to ensure your products and operations are safe and secure.



Olivier Audelan | CATIA Infrastructure Industry Process Consultant – Managing Director | Dassault Systèmes

Joining Dassault Systemes in 2001, Olivier is the CATIA Expert on Fluid and 3D Master. He leads the CATIA Industry Process Experts on Infrastructure & Buildings, developing the Business Transformation based on a Systems Engineering approach.

Olivier provides Infrastructure and Buildings support for customers in the Energy, Life Sciences, Civil, Data Centers, Food & Beverage and Gigafactories sectors.


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