It seems no matter where we land in life we still get graded.
It seems no matter where we land in life we still get graded.
Each year Ball State University’s Center for Business and Economic Research analyzes how each state ranks among its peers in several areas of the economy that underlie the success of manufacturing.
To measure manufacturing industry health, the center includes three variables: the share of total income earned by manufacturing employees in each state, the wage premium paid to manufacturing workers relative to the other states’ employees, and the share of manufacturing employment per capita.”
They chose these categories as there were the “most likely to be considered by site selection experts for manufacturing and logistics firms, and by the prevailing research on economic growth. “Each category included multiple variables for each state that were aggregated and then ranked 1st through 50th, with 1st being the most desirable. Within each category, the lowest aggregate score assigned provided the overall rank.
The states in this slideshow earned an A. For other grades, see each state’s ranking.