Japanese cars are the most environmentally friendly and German manufacturers are trailing behind in the green stakes, according to a study by the Verkehrsclub Deutschland (VCD) published on Aug. 15.
Seven of the top 10 cars in the study were Japanese, the VCD car club said. Models made by Daihatsu, Honda, Mazda and Toyota scored well in fuel consumption and exhaust emissions tests and were also among the quietest cars. Only one German car -- a Volkswagen Polo Blue Motion -- made it into the top 10, along with models by Citroen and Peugeot of France.
The VCD aims to be an environmentally-minded alternative to Germany's main automobile club, ADAC.
The top ten are:
- Honda Civic Hybrid
- Toyota Prius
- Citron C1 1.0 Advance
- Peugeot 107 Petit Filou 70
- Toyota AYGO
- Daihatsu Cuore 1.0
- Daihatsu Trevis 1.0
- Volkswagen Polo BlueMotion
- Daihatsu Sirion 1.0
- Mazda2 1.3 MZR3
Copyright Agence France-Presse, 2007
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