There's a lovefest in progress, and it's happening at General Motors' factories throughout the country.
The automaker is holding free public tours at all 54 of its U.S. manufacturing sites. When GM announced the open houses late last year, it said the tours are intended to "give the American public the opportunity to learn more about the company's people, products and plants." At an open house yesterday at GM's Parma (Ohio) Metal Center, the clear message from the automaker to the thousands of visitors was "thanks." "Basically, this open house is a great way for us to show America how much we appreciate what they've done for us to keep the company open, with our whole restructuring plan," Theo Lavergne, assistant superintendent for engineering, told IndustryWeek. "It just puts a positive light on some of the things that they've done for us."- For more photos from the open house, please visit us on Facebook.
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