Analytics has become one of those ubiquitous words that has a unique significance and meaning to each individual.
Industry analyst firms have done a great job creating a simple framework to characterize — at a high level — four classifications of analytics and the range of human effort required to make a decision, modify a process or improve an outcome.
These four classifications from lowest to highest level of complexity are:
• Descriptive (what happened)
• Diagnostic (why it happened)
• Predictive (what will happen)
• Prescriptive (what should I do)
The challenge that remains is to apply this framework at a level of granularity that facilitates practical solutions about where and how analytics can be applied in the real world to solve real problems.
We are addressing this challenge by offering scalable analytics solutions, allowing us to distinguish between real time, closed loop analytics in an automation controller; enterprise analytics in the cloud; and everywhere in between!
This is scalable analytics, and it represents the range of analytics capabilities we offer and the broad range of customer challenges we can address.
And just as importantly, with our heritage in the manufacturing operations environment, we understand deeply the challenges and the opportunities represented in the myriad of use cases along this spectrum.
We know the genesis of the necessary data, how to extract it and create context for it, and then work through the appropriate analytics engines (yes, there are many to choose from) to solve a specific problem.
Just as important is the need to do this in a scalable and sanctioned, secure environment — whether it’s on the edge (in the automation controller, the chassis, in the control panel) or in the cloud (public, hybrid); whether it’s a point solution for one piece of equipment or across an entire manufacturing enterprise; and whether it’s a closed loop control algorithm or AI to optimize a production-related supply chain issue.
We can share with you our vision for analytics that both OT and IT can sanction and scale out and support.