Which of the following is the top time waster when using business applications?
Navigating around and between applications 7.3%
Searching for information through a complex navigation structure 22.9%
Learning different modules with different structures and commands 22.6%
Transferring data from one application to another 12.1%
Progressing through functions or business process steps that are not grouped together or ordered in a logical way 16.4%
The application just doesn't work in the way that I want to work 7.6%
Waiting for applications with slow start-up and system response times 9.3%
I do not experience any wasted time 1.7%
Do you agree with the statement: "Software optimized for better collaboration with my colleagues would improve the productivity of my organization as a whole?"
Yes, I strongly agree 33.1%
Yes, I agree somewhat 60.2%
No, I disagree 3.7%
No, I strongly disagree 0.3%
Not applicable -- my organization has the optimum level of collaboration already. 2.8%
See Also