Market for Electronics Manufacturing Services Returns to Double-digit Growth
Despite economic setbacks in 2009, the world market for electronics manufacturing services (EMS) is returning to double-digit growth, according to a study recently released by IPC. a global trade association.
The EMS sector was the last in the electronics supply chain to feel the impact of the global recession and the last to rebound in 2010, according to the report. The global EMS market is projected to grow at an annual average rate of 12.2% through 2014, based on a forecast provided by New Venture Research Corp.
IPC's own forecast of assembly market growth in North America projects a spike of 28% in 2010 as recovery takes hold, and a return to more normal growth of 12% in 2011.
The study is based on a sample of 95 EMS operations that participated in the annual survey by region, including North America, Europe and Asia.