What's NOT Going to Happen in Technology Markets in 2010?
Dec. 16, 2009
Compared to this time last year, things seem to be looking up on a number of fronts, according to ABI Research, which recently released its study, "Whats Not Going to Happen in 2010."
Their predictions include:
- eReaders will NOT reach mass market appeal
- There will be NO iPhone killer, only an ever increasing herd of iPhone wannabes.
- Fake Chinese phones will NOT destroy the handset market
- PCMCIA Cellular Data Card Modems will NOT make a comeback
- Mobile person-to-person payments will NOT gain mass market acceptance in the U.S. in 2010
- Social networking will NOT go through 2010 unscathed by security breakdowns
- Consumer telematics will NOT reach mass market status in 2010
To view the full report visit http://www.abiresearch.com/whitepaperDL.jsp?id=43
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