RF Code, Inc. recently unveiled an asset management solution designed specifically to give data center professionals the on-demand ability to know instantly, at any time, the location of every one of their computing assets. By automating IT asset tracking in the data center, IT managers now can have an "instant" inventory of all their data center assets. Thats because the solution conducts a complete and accurate inventory every few seconds, as opposed to the weeks it usually takes to inventory assets.
The announcement is the latest development in the IT asset management space. Recently, RF Code introduced a Bluetooth enabled mobile reader that the company says is the first mobile offering to provide distributed inventory and on-demand search applications for IT assets.
Inventory processes all require tagging or barcoding of an asset -- a one time event. The real cost occurs after the asset has been tagged. Barcoding involves manually scanning in barcode information and passive RFID-captured information must be manually collected as well. Software solutions can't track servers that aren't plugged in or have moved. Moreover, regardless of the usual method of gathering location data, information is outdated the moment it's captured.
By applying active RFID technology and software expertise to the problem, RF Code says its solution cost-effectively solves these issues, enabling IT organizations to slash their lost asset exposure, compliance liability risk, and security concerns.
For more information, visit www.rfcode.com
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