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In a survey done by The National Association of Manufacturers (NAM) and us (IndustryWeek), both large and small manufacturers alike have reversed 4 quarters of pessimism and are now optimistic about their businesses for the second quarter of 2007.
"Industry's great untold story is that confidence among large and small manufacturers is on the rise," said David Huether, the NAM's chief economist. "While it hasn't returned to the heights of two years ago, there's a notable improvement from the first quarter of this year. This is the first time in a year and a half that the business outlook improved for both large and small manufacturers."
Survey highlights include predictions for the coming year:
Sales Expectations
Pricing Expectations
Investment Expectations
Inventory Expectations
Employment Expectations
Wage Expectations
The NAM/IndustryWeek Manufacturing Index can be found at http://www.industryweek.com/EconInsight/
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