In the arena of mobile asset tracking, trailer and container tracking are two of the larger markets. "Despite their similarities, the market for trailer tracking now represents a growing and significant portion of commercial telematics, whereas container tracking is still in its nascent stages," explains ABI Research analyst, David Schrier.
Part of the popularity of RFID and GPRS for hybrid trailer tracking is due to UK's Sainsbury's Supermarkets adaptation. While in North America, Qualcomm, SkyBitz and Terion continue to gain trailer tracking customers.
Trailer tracking is pulling ahead since it is used domestically while containers are used internationally. "Containers are therefore subject to greater governmental regulation, and, quite frankly, the U.S. government and other nations have been dragging their feet in this area," adds Schrier. "Second, the custody chain in containers is much more fragmented than with trailers, and no party wants to bear the burden of the increased cost."
ABI Research, an Oyster Bay, NY-based research company examines evolving solutions and technologies for global electronic container tracking in its studies "Container Security and Tracking" and "Trailer Tracking Markets."
ABI Research
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