I am blessed to spend a lot of my time with business leaders around the world.
Whether it is in an Executive MBA program, a corporate training session, or an interview for a new book, I have the distinct pleasure of learning from some very sharp people.
Over the years, despite The Great Recession, an ever-larger number of folks tell me that they face a tremendous challenge in hiring good employees.
The reasons are many, and vary widely across industries.
Yet, an underlying theme keeps coming back time and time again: the inability of many strong candidates to pass a drug test. Or, be willing to submit to one.
When we're talking over coffee in the office, this is rarely discussed.
However, it is often a regular topic of conversation off-site, when the beer or wine starts to flow.
It seems the desire on the part of employers to be sure their current and prospective employees aren't using narcotics is becoming a bigger barrier to hiring new workers.
Am I wrong here? What do you think?
Voice your opinion!