The presentation revolves around Ford's efforts to move materials through its manufacturing process in a smooth, balanced fashion using a lean approach for material movement primarily using tugs and carts. It investigates the various factors that must be addressed to make the program work the first time, what to avoid and what to expect as measurable results.
Watch the presentation below by Larry Tyler, Co-Founder & principal, Kinetic Technologies, Inc. (d.b.a. K-Tec) and Larry McAdam, Lean Material Flow Manager, Ford Motor CompanyIn This Presentation You Will See An overview of the transportation steps (in minute 5)The 6R Flow and MP&L Plan (in minute 6)Planning formulation (in minute 11)Team roles and responsibilities (in minute 16)Push-pull tests (in minute 30)What they learned (in minute 38) Program benefits (in minute 46) and more About the Speakers