Quick Manufacturing News - May 3rd, 2023
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Quick Manufacturing News

Daily News, Analysis and Commentary
In The Spotlight
Lorraine Martin, president and CEO of the National Safety Council discusses this issue and what companies can do to improve.
Top Stories
Production is proceeding for the U.S. military’s largest helicopter, with 169 more T408 turboshaft engines to be supplied to power CH-53K King Stallions for the U.S. Marine Corps.
According to preliminary figures from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. manufacturers saw more separations in March than new hires.
New research from NC State University found significant advantages for supply chain managers in adopting the use of heuristics which are algorithm “shortcuts”.
South Korean firm is looking to expand its foothold in the U.S. and Europe.

IT security mechanisms don’t always apply to OT as-is, and OT systems are often easier targets for cyber-attacks. Download this resource and learn how you can connect your IT and OT, regardless of the manufacturer, to create a transparent and secure overall system.

Product Spotlight, Courtesy of NewEquipment.com
Bluewater, a company dedicated to the sustainable purification of water, has installed a rainwater harvesting and filtration system at a new EV charging station in Scotland—helping to promote not only...
Editor's Choice
IndustryWeek editors look into those stories and the legislative agenda for the Association of Equipment Manufacturers and how the heck to incorporate ChatGPT into cars.