In today's IndustryWeek Book Club, IW chats with Billy Taylor, president of LinkedXL, about his new book "The Winning Link: A Proven Process to Define, Align, and Execute Strategy at Every Level." Among the questions he fields in this discussion are:
1. Can you tell us a bit about the subject matter of this book and why now was the right time to put it out?
2. Winning can mean a lot of things. When you talk about winning, what do you mean?
3. Why do you think so many companies struggle to develop and execute a strategy that works for them? One that takes them toward achieving their goals?
4. Are there one or two key elements to success, or "winning" that you can share with us?
Once you've viewed our IW Book Club conversation, read an excerpt of "The Winning Link: A Proven Process to Define, Align, and Execute Strategy at Every Level."