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I have a suggestion for how to improve teamwork at your company. It won't cost you any money, won't require additional training, and will immediately improve employee morale. Do I have your attention yet? Here it is: Cancel all internal meetings scheduled for longer than 30 minutes. Now. For the rest of the year. Post a notice informing everyone that from now on, the only meetings that can last longer than 30 minutes will be those with customers. I confess I have an aversion to long meetings. In fact, I have a reputation for not being able to sit still for longer than 30 minutes anywhere, including movies and my drive to work. (I'm the guy changing lanes ahead of you as I work my cell phone and Palm V.) But quite apart from my own limited attention span, I've rarely seen a one-hour meeting accomplish more than a 30-minute confab. A meeting scheduled for one and a half hours -- the default length of any meeting without a well-planned agenda in corporate America -- is a clear signal to all attendees that no thinking will be required or completed until everyone is seated at the table. And any meeting scheduled for two hours or more -- especially one labeled "Brainstorming" or "Strategic Planning" -- is a clear invitation for speechmaking and posturing. Your only hope is that the bagels and orange juice hold out longer than Jones from Finance does on "Activity-Based Accounting." Consider what happens, though, when you limit all meetings to 30 minutes or less: