Xiameter offers customers online access and market-based pricing for over 400 silicon-based products manufactured by Dow Corning. |
Today Xiameter provides instant access to over 400 commonly used products, including silicone fluids, sealants, emulsions and rubbers manufactured by Dow Corning. Customers have access to market-based pricing and global reliability of supply that is critical for manufacturers around the world. Designed with experienced "price-seeker" customers in mind, the system eliminates most sales, service and transaction costs through online transactions and a straightforward set of rules.
Just like every other manufacturer today, Dow Corning deals with volatile pricing throughout the commodities, specifically in regard to silicon metal, methanol and energy. According to Mike O'Callahan, Xiameter's global fluids trader, the system's regular updates can help protect buyers themselves from unexpected and uncontrollable price increases.
The feature is encouraging more customers to regularly monitor the Xiameter Web site for whatever trends could affect silicone prices. Based on that information, they have the option to take their chances on the open market, or lock in that day's price for a period of 90 days. O'Callahan says this gives them the ability to, in a sense, buy price security.
"We're able to respond very quickly and make changes on a daily basis," he explains. "So customers can monitor these prices and, if they decide, they can order today and lock in that price for 90 days. And a good way for any company to protect itself [from price spikes] is to at least know what their next 90-day pricing is going to be."
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