I am bleary-eyed from counting "I-words." Readers submitted almost 400 words after I asked them to replace the "I" in VIP when describing the best and worst CEOs they know. Ninety-nine were positive; 298 were negative. And a few were ambidextrous and could swing either way. There were no winners among the contributors because none of them listed all 10 of the most-mentioned positive words and none listed all 10 of the most-mentioned negative words. There were no winners among the CEOs either, because the "I-Words" contributed were so overwhelmingly negative. I'm wondering what this says about CEOs. Certainly they are not the "very important people" they think they are. Read on, and you'll get a glimpse of what your employees or colleagues really think of you, but are afraid to say.
Sal F. Marino is chairman emeritus of Penton Media Inc., author of the recently published Management Rhymes and Reason, and an IW contributing editor. His e-mail address is [email protected].