IW Best Plants: A Quarter Century of Manufacturing Excellence
Last month IndustryWeek held its annual IW Best Plants Conference. We posted several video interviews and multiple articles from the event, and more is still in the works.
As I am the IW Best Plants Awards competition director, some of my favorite items from that conference relate specifically to our most recent group of winners. The 2013 IW Best Plants winners (who were announced in January 2014) received their awards during a luncheon celebration at last month's IW Best Plants Conference.
We captured the awards presentation here: 2014 IW Best Plants Conference: Awards Ceremony. This slideshow also includes links to the stories of the 2013 winners.
Seeking Our 25th Class of Winners!
We are now on the lookout for the 2014 IndustryWeek Best Plants Awards winners -- and this class of IW Best Plants will be extra special. Why? Because they represent our 25th class of IW Best Plants.
In other words, we will be celebrating a quarter century of IW Best Plants!
You can be part of it. Do you have or work at a North America-located manufacturing plant that is a showcase of operational excellence? Are your customers recommending you because of your great quality, on-time delivery and service? Are your suppliers partners in your excellence?
If you do or can answer yes to the questions above, then it may be time for you to participate in the 2014 IW Best Plants competition. Read all about the IW Best Plants competition and then download your IW Best Plants entry form.
Completed entry forms are due June 16, so don't delay!
And if you have questions or concerns, contact me. I am readily available by telephone (216-931-9311) or email: [email protected], and I want to help.
Is now the time for your plant to be named an IW Best Plants Award winner?