It may surprise some to learn that "social networks" have been around long before the Facebook hockey stick. The term "social network analysis" (SNA), which originates in the social sciences (anthropology, sociology), describes the manner of relationships between people within a social system of some form -- whether a country, culture, town, organization (school, class, etc.)
It probably doesn't surprise anyone that there's a subset of SNA scholarship called "egocentric" analysis. Unfortunate (or appropriate) title aside, this subset focuses on illuminating the ties surrounding a single individual.
Online rolodex/business networking juggernaut LinkedIn recently rolled a plugin out of LinkedIn Labs called InMaps that focuses on visualization of your own egocentric network.
According to LinkedIn:
"The map is actually a view into how your professional world has been created over time. . . you can use those insights to measure your own impact or influence, or create opportunities for someone else."
Very cool, and very worth a minute or two of your time to see where your connections connect, both with you and with each other.
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