Divided into three parts, this book guides the reader through a concise set of pragmatic management approaches and practical steps -- along with real-life examples, everyday business anecdotes and helpful sidebars -- to illustrate specific points and critical insights, such as how to:
increase the visibility of profit pools
formulate a realistic and useful view of cash-profit performance
prioritize opportunities based on market potential
use a profit pool-driven market strategy to shortcut shareholder value creation
find areas for immediate and future action
exploit uncertainties (rather than shy away from them)
gain insight for sustained higher value creation.
The book takes the reader from a basic understanding of what drives business value, to taking action that can rapidly boost share values. Part one sets out the key ideas; Part two outlines three pragmatic steps to achieving long-term boosts in value; and Part three describes key aspects to institutionalizing a value-growth credo in the business. Real-world examples are used throughout the book.
With a touch of irony, V. Rory Jones finds it incredible that with so much invested in information technology (even in the smallest organization), management still does not have access to the most basic of business information -- a value-oriented measure of profitability. Instead, today's information systems deliver three broad groups of information:
day-to-day operational information such as production planning, marketing logistics, etc.
accounting records and capital markets investment
other regulatory information for tax, environment and other mandates.