A number of firms provide such services as auditing bills, negotiating with telecommunications carriers, and assessing the technical tools available. Below is a partial list. Avista Advantage www.avistaadvantage.com Dietrich Lockard Group www.dietrichlockard.com Info Group Inc. www.infogrp.com ISI Inc. www.isi-info.com ITC^Delta-Com www.itcdeltacom.com KPMG www.kpmg.com MetaSolv Software Inc. www.metasolv.com PwC Consulting www.pwcglobal.com QuantumShift Inc. www.quantumshift.com Stonehouse Technologies Inc. www.stonehouse.com Teldata Control Inc. www.teldatacontrol.com Teletron www.teletron.com Tenet International www.tenetinternational.com traq-wireless www.traq.com