While it's not money or a prize, it is actually flowers. Kyocera Group, a manufacturer of wireless phones, printers and solar power generating systems for residential use, is growing morning glories and goya (bitter gourd) to form "Green Curtains". The curtains are placed over trestles to shade portions of the outer walls and windows of manufacturing and office buildings.
Why? Well these plants absorb CO2. And they create a screen over the windows preventing direct sunlight from raising the temperature of office interiors thus reducing the need to use energy consuming air-conditioners.
All of this began two years ago at Kyocera's Okaya Plant in Nagano Prefecture, Japan. This innovative environmental structure is now operating at 12 locations including four that are being added this year.
And the results of this effort are measurable. Two plants, Okaya and Gamo ,no longer need to use air-conditioning in the offices during the morning hours .
To learn more about the company's environmental activities click here
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