At the Boscaro biomass generation plant in Vigliano Biellese, Italy, GE's new Clean Cycle power generation system is helping Italy reach its goal of increasing its renewable energy production to 17% by 2020.
The plant, which is owned by F.lli Boscaro, an Italian pruning and composting company, features two Clean Cycle 125-kilowatts (kW) waste heat power generation systems together with a superheated water biomass boiler. The moving-grate boiler is designed and built to operate with a wide range of biomasses, such as the wood waste, foliage and branch wood resulting from maintenance of gardens and parks.
"The biomass boiler has allowed us to solve our wood wastes disposal challenge by converting the waste into a free fuel, with zero emissions, that we can now use to heat our buildings and to produce electricity which is sold to the grid," said Fabrizio Boscaro, owner of the plant.
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