Users of Prescient, a provider of supply-chain-planning software for consumer products companies, will have the added benefit of data synchronization thanks to a new partnership. West Chester, Pa.-based Prescient has partnered with Boomi, a provider of ...
Users of Prescient, a provider of supply-chain-planning software for consumer products companies, will have the added benefit of data synchronization thanks to a new partnership. West Chester, Pa.-based Prescient has partnered with Boomi, a provider of e-business integration software. The advantage Boomi brings is increased collaboration among trading partners using disparate platforms and data-sharing standards, according to Prescient. TSN Inc., a distributor of cleaning products and food supplies, is the first of Prescient's customers to license the synchronization tool, called Prescient Connections. "The ability to more efficiently and easily share information with [a client] will make our collaboration efforts even more successful, which will ultimately result in better relationships and greater efficiencies throughout our supply chain," says Doug Suhler, MIS director for TSN.