New research shows that a smaller percentage of executives aspire to be CEO than did in 2001. Some 60% of executives surveyed on behalf of global communications firm Burson-Marsteller in 2004 said they did not want to be CEO, compared with 27% in 2001. ...
New research shows that a smaller percentage of executives aspire to be CEO than did in 2001. Some 60% of executives surveyed on behalf of global communications firm Burson-Marsteller in 2004 said they did not want to be CEO, compared with 27% in 2001. Only about one-third (35%) said they did want to be CEO, compared with 47% in 2001. Most executives had solidified their positions since 2001, when 26% were unsure, compared with 5% unsure in 2004. The findings are based on results from 150 executives in Fortune 1000 companies. Wirthlin Worldwide conducted the study. "Due to shortened CEO tenure and intense media scrutiny, executives are more wary of the corner office," says Patrick Ford, chair of Burson-Marsteller's Corporate/Financial Practice. "Executives know that CEO decisions and actions are examined 24 hours a day."