Compiled ByTraci Purdum Ever wonder what your peers ask for during the holidays? The Individual Communications Network found out. The Detroit-based business communicators' organization asked industry executives what one wish they would want granted. Here is the Top 10 list:
10 Newly elected politicians honor at least 50% of their campaign promises.
9 (From a carmaker) All Tier Ones go on a diet and take their suppliers along. We need to take fat costs out of the whole value chain.
8 (From a supplier) OEMs that don't penalize suppliers with price reductions for their own management mistakes.
7 A law prohibiting, or at least limiting, telemarketers and senders of spam.
6 Companies judged on merit, not grouped with the few that operate with unethical boards of directors.
5 "Real" time off -- no office contact and no laptops allowed!
4 No war and a peaceful solution in all troubled areas of the world.
3 A better appreciation and understanding of each other and our connections, as members of the human race.
2 A robust economy and jobs for all, nationally and globally.
1 Everyone celebrating the full scope of human freedom, extending it to our fellow travelers on this spaceship called Earth.