Compiled By Jill Jusko Boise Office Solutions has expanded its product offerings to its customers with the introduction of Customer Insight Reports. This service enhancement includes the ability to benchmark office product procurement. The reports, ...
Compiled ByJill Jusko Boise Office Solutions has expanded its product offerings to its customers with the introduction of Customer Insight Reports. This service enhancement includes the ability to benchmark office product procurement. The reports, says the Itasca, Ill.-based office supplies distributor, capture a company's purchasing data with Boise Office Solutions down to the ordering activity of specific individuals. As such, the reports may help signal when and where unauthorized purchasing occurs and therefore promote better compliance with purchasing programs. Additionally, however, the Customer Insights Reports provide benchmarking analysis to show firms how their office product purchasing compares with companies of similar size and industry. For example, a company can compare the amount of paper it purchases each month with the amount purchased by similar firms. Boise Office Solutions is a subsidiary of Boise Cascade Corp.