Get What You Pay for From Internet/intranet IT Staff
Jan. 13, 2005
Need help creating job descriptions and compensating IT staff involved in Internet and intranet initiatives? Read the 1997 edition of Inter/Intranet Salary and Staffing Guide from the META Group, an information-technology consulting and market research ...
Need help creating job descriptions and compensating IT staff involved in Internet and intranet initiatives? Read the 1997 edition of Inter/Intranet Salary and Staffing Guide from the META Group, an information-technology consulting and market research firm. The report contains up-to-date, detailed job descriptions and salary and bonus data for 14 key IT positions essential to building Web development teams in today's business-integrated, service-oriented IT organizations. Based on data from 1,200 META clients and other privately commissioned salary studies, the report targets 14 major metropolitan markets; reports high, low, and average salaries for a given position; and details skills required, definition of roles and responsibilities, career-development programs, and incentive strategies.