Save The Dates: Annual WERC Conference Slated For May 16-19
Jan. 13, 2005
The Warehousing Education and Research Council has chosen Atlanta as the host city for its 2004 annual conference. The 27th annual event will be held May 16-19 and will include more than 70 warehousing-specific sessions and tours. New in 2004 will be ...
The Warehousing Education and Research Council has chosen Atlanta as the host city for its 2004 annual conference. The 27th annual event will be held May 16-19 and will include more than 70 warehousing-specific sessions and tours. New in 2004 will be WERC's Industry Resources Event (WIRE) on May 16. The council describes WIRE as "time set aside at the conference for industry suppliers and conference attendees to talk in a pressure-free environment that focuses on education, information and contacts." Early registrants can save themselves some money. WERC members who register by April 15 enjoy a conference price of $925. It rises to $1,025 after that date. For non-members, the early-bird price is $1,165; it rises to $1,265 after April 15. WERC is a nonprofit professional organization based in Oak Brook, Ill. For additional information visit