Engineering and product development project leaders often take on the additional task of Webmaster, keeping project Web sites on corporate intranets active and current. Aspects SiteBuilder 2.0 from Framework Technologies Corp., Watertown, Mass, ...
Engineering and product development project leaders often take on the additional task of Webmaster, keeping project Web sites on corporate intranets active and current. Aspects SiteBuilder 2.0 from Framework Technologies Corp., Watertown, Mass, facilitates this time-consuming task with a simple drag and drop interface that allows collection, organization, and publishing of support information without special knowledge of HTML or other programming languages. SiteBuilder's existing HTML library of engineering change order (ECO) forms, operation sheets, and other documents support the engineering-community work process, and integrate with images, text, spreadsheets, and CAD drawings integral to the collaborative engineering process. Available for Windows 95 or NT.