Teams of employees from three manufacturers on the cutting-edge in employment and work practices were honored at the National Assn. of Manufacturers' (NAM) recent annual conference in Washington. Winning the first annual NAM Awards for Workforce ...
Teams of employees from three manufacturers on the cutting-edge in employment and work practices were honored at the National Assn. of Manufacturers' (NAM) recent annual conference in Washington. Winning the first annual NAM Awards for Workforce Excellence were: Philtex Chemicals Plant POWER Team, Phillips Petroleum Co., Borger, Tex.; Team Ultra, Monarch Marking Systems, Miamisburg, Ohio; and Product Quality Team, Bison Gear & Engineering, St. Charles, Ill. The awards are given to one team of employees at companies in each of three categories: large, medium, and small manufacturers (based on number of employees). Each winning team will split a $10,000 prize. The awards program is cosponsored by NAM, The Manufacturing Institute, and Arthur Andersen.