Inside California Manufacturing



Stop Fast-Track Authority in the ‘Lame Duck’ Session

Nov. 18, 2014
The rumors in Washington, D. C. are that granting President Obama fast-track authority under trade promotion authority will be brought up in the "Lame Duck" session, perhaps as...

Lean Sustainability Requires a Change in Culture

Nov. 14, 2014
If you are a lean manufacturer, does that mean that you are a lean enterprise?
Change Management

Lean Principles Must Expand Beyond Shop Floor

Nov. 10, 2014
Lean is most often associated with the factory floor but leaders need to embrace it and spread it through the whole organization if it is to be sustainable.
Boeing photo of Phantom Ray unmanned aircraft
Emerging Technologies

California's Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) Industry at a Crossroads

June 17, 2014
California summit brings together thought leaders from government, trade organizations, military, academia and private sector companies to explore how California can continue ...